REACCH Project
Posted by Nobody on 3 January 2018
REACCH Autism South West is a social enterprise, not for profit business which has two main goals.
One is to provide training in ways to structure activities in schools, the home setting, and in adult employment or home settings to help people on the autism spectrum become as independent, calm, and focused as possible. (REACCH Training).
The second goal is to provide a Social Life and Employability Skills programme for young people from 16-24 years plus (The REACCH Project).
The REACCH Project provides both education and social care placements to support young people and adults across the autism spectrum who have dropped out of education or out of life, feeling that they have no employable skills to offer and often feeling they have no purpose.
Some of the young people and adults we cater for have not left their homes for anything from a few months to several years before coming to the project.This has a major impact not only on the person themselves, but also the whole family around them.
Our mission is to re- engage each person in understanding that if we structure things well to help their autism learning needs, they can achieve purposeful employability skills, whether independently or through supported employment. We believe in the dignity of' work' for our young people and adults, and try to find the right area of work for each person.
It is always a pleasure to talk to others about the work we are doing, and I do hope to get the chance to meet you and explain further about autism and how it impacts on our young people, and about our work with those young people, adults and their families.
Mary Pittman Project Leader REACCH Autism South West